Thursday, 5 May 2011

Monolgue research - Harry's Christmas (first thoughts, Berkoff's techniques)

As apposed to Closer there is little research to be found on the internet for Harry's Christmas so I had to find the research from the play itself and my drama teacher. 

After reading the whole play I have come to the conclusion that Harry is a manic depressive and He is desperately in love with Clara yet something has happened that has made him not able to ring her, this being the break-up with Clara. Harry is 40 and although he loves his mother he doesn't want to see her as he feels as though going to spend christmas with her is a embarrassing as Harry says 'a single man nearly 40 and still sees his mum' in disgust at a thought of ringing Clara.

Berkoff's techniques;
Giving the character an animal.

The use of an animal extension lets an actor be able to move like that animal.

I have decided to give Harry the animal of a turtle.

A turtle is suiting for Harry as he does not necessarily move very fast yet uses over exaggerated arm movements (such as when displaying the cards). Also I am going to be using the chair as a turtles shell and never leave this shell as I feel as though this is protection to Harry. Harry speaks in ebs and flows much like the turtles walk.

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