Friday, 6 May 2011

Monologue research - Midsummer Nights Dream (cultural, rehearsal and how I am playing the character)

A Midsummer Nights dream was written as a comedy for Shakespeare's time meaning that some references are now out dated. Get the obvious comedy is still in place (such as when Bottom turns into an ass). The language is also very different but much as the Rivals and Richard III understanding the play will enable me to perform it so that an audience will understand the play more easily. 

The play itself is set in Athens this is far away from the audience of Shakespeare as these would be english persons, setting this play in a far off land lets the audience believe the story as they could not believe it for themselves. Now we are in modern day and are able to travel to Athens easily this setting looses is belief slightly and this is what makes Puck's soliloquy most important as it reminds the audience that the play is not real but a dream. The plays time is set when there is a lot of political changeover and this is reflected within the lovers as change between the power couple frequently.

During rehersal using a prop of a broom or a travelling bag on stick sets Puck in context of being a servant not a high class of fairy. 

From my feedback this really helped the audience identify with the character straight away which is what needs to happen from the monologue so that they will understand that Puck is talking to them and not introducing his character.

From the research I am going to play Puck with light footing so when I travel the stage I am very light as quick on my feet. I will also be in a reflective tone throughout the solioquy as Puck is reflecting on the whole play. I will be using gestures and body language greatly throughout to show the understanding of the piece. 

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