Thursday, 5 May 2011

Monolgue research - Harry's Christmas (cultural, props)

I have come to believe that Harry is suffering from Bi-polar / manic depression. So i felt to set this into soical and cultural context I should find out the symptoms of how to spot someone who is a manic depressive and include this in my monologue.

Harry is always in a state of depression throughout the play as I believe he has been for several months, the interview with how this woman was going to commit suicide I will be using some of her personal experience in my monologue such as;
written a suicide note. (inside the box)

From the signs and symptoms of depression I am heightening;
lack of interest in any activity (this is why he is always in his chair)
fatigue or loss of energy (every move I make must be a big struggle)

The other symptoms are expressed already through Berkoff's writing and the behaviour of Harry.
The play is written without a time yet was first performed in 1985. I am performing my monologue in modern day as this will be more relatable to a contemporary audience.

Most other Berkoff plays the props and set are imaginary such as in the Trial and Decadence, yet for this monologue I feel it wouldn't work without the props as I will be using my exaggerated turtle like gestures when using the props so that when without them the audience still feels a sense of catharsis for when Harry dies.

6 Christmas cards as this is how many Harry has at the beginning of the whole play and I want the monologue to stay within context. I will be drawing these out at the beginning to emphasise how many cards Harry has.

Telephone as this is what Harry uses to call Clara and his mother on.

Shoe box containing. christmas cards, pills, suicide note I will be reading the suicide note whilst on the phone to Ma to show reference that the note is for her. The pills are what I will be using when taking them to over-dose Harry. I will be shacking them out sharply as regretful for taking them.

Beer this shows how old the character is and what drink he has to 'how about a drop to wash it down with' the mixture of alcohol and drugs also heightens the chance of death

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